Currently Reading

Books read in 2023

  1. Deep Work
  2. Coders
  3. The 48 Laws of Power
  4. All that Life Can Afford
  5. Think Like a Street Photographer
  6. How I Make Photographers
  7. Forever Saul Leiter
  8. Read This If You Want to Take Great Photographs
  9. The Network State
  10. HBR At 100
  11. Inventing Bitcoin
  12. A Plain English Handbook
  13. Ways of Seeing
  14. Street Photography: A History in 100 Iconic Photographs
  15. William Eggleston’s Guide
  16. Still is the Key
  17. Ego is the Enemy
  18. Leadership Presence
  19. Quantitative Methods for Decision Makers
  20. R for Dummies
  21. Reality is Broken
  22. The Art of Thinking in Systems
  23. Chip War