Brave New World / Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley

04 Jul 2021Book

✒ Books read in 2021 #10 to #11 A short novel about a dystopian society with an utopian ideal, in which everyone is happy, everyone has what they want, yet everyone is mass produced to perform tasks which he/she was born to do, pre-conditioned to think and feel a certain way, and is fed with … Read More

Incerto by Nassim Taleb

31 May 2021Book

✒ Books read in 2021 #06 to #09 Fooled by randomness If you want to read only one book by Nassim Taleb, it would be this one in my opinion. I read this book for the first time a long time ago (either still in University or just started working), upon rereading, I am amazed … Read More

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant

26 Mar 2021Book

✒ Books read in 2021 #05 I have been following Naval’s Twitter and am constantly amazed by his sharing of thoughts on business, wealth, life, and happiness. This book is a nicely curated collection of these wisdom and experience, plus additional elaboration of his insights in follow-up interviews. After reading the Kindle version, I ordered … Read More


19 Feb 2021Book

✒ Books read in 2021 #04 The idea is not new, that psychologists have highlighted that the most common path to excellence was a sampling period, followed only later by a narrowing of focus, increased structure, and an explosion of practice volume. There is nothing wrong to have set goals (e.g. getting a law or … Read More

Mastering Bitcoin

26 Jan 2021Book

✒ Books read in 2021 #03 (re-read) As a non-developer, this book is highly technical. Reading it the second time increased my understanding from 60% to no more than 70%, excluding the programming scripts used as samples. The re-read did clear some of the misconceptions and questions that I had, and provided additional insights which … Read More

Moonwalking with Einstein

15 Jan 2021Book

✒ Books read in 2021 #02 A vivid recount of how the author, a science journalist, became a “mental athlete” and won the US Memory Champion with a year of practice. I picked up this book years ago but hesitated to give it a read, not because I am not interested in the science of … Read More

How to Make the World Add Up

07 Jan 2021Book

✒ Books read in 2021 #01 As George Canning once said: “I can prove anything by statistics, except the truth.” In a world full of disinformation, bad research and misplaced motivation, it would be foolish to take every grand statement (accompanied by some big numbers) at face value. However, we should not disbelieve everything simply … Read More

Books read in 2020

27 Dec 2020Book

✒ Books read in 2020: The Man Who Solved the Market Wisdom at Work Tools and Weapons Good Economics for Hard Times Billion Dollar Whale Uncommon Knowledge Mastery The Internet of Money Volume Three Guns, Germs, and Steel On Tyranny The Ethics of Money Production The Ride of a Lifetime The Room Where It Happened … Read More

Gaming AI

18 Dec 2020Book

✒ Books read in 2020 #15 A short and cogent piece. The author makes a convincing case of why the inherent limitations of artificial intelligence (conceptual and physical) mean that the expectation of AI being capable of creative thought is a misunderstanding. Time will tell if this is right, but what is certain is that … Read More

The Psychology of Money

11 Dec 2020Book

✒ Books read in 2020 #14 An enjoyable read which reminds us that managing money is a soft skill where how you behave is more important than what you know. Some of the memorable quotes: “Your personal experiences with money make up maybe 0.00000001% of what’s happened in the world, but maybe 80% of how … Read More

The Ride of a Lifetime

20 Nov 2020Book

✒ Books read in 2020 #13 Fantastic storytelling really – the first half about how he developed the principles of leadership on his way up; second half about a series of transformational deals: Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm and Fox.

The Ethics of Money Production

01 Oct 2020Book

✒ Books read in 2020#11 A revision of why and how money is made and what qualifies as such a medium of exchange. It also points out the danger of having the predominant monetary institutions of our age: central banks, paper money, and fractional reserve banking. Legal monopolies could become instruments of injustice that breed … Read More

On Tyranny

04 Sep 2020Book

✒ Books read in 2020 #10 A concise summary of characteristics of authoritarian regimes, with 20 pieces of advice for navigating such circumstances. Crisply written, short and sweet (or should I say, bitter).


07 Jul 2020Book

✒ Books read in 2020 #08 Some advices/tricks you may or may not agree, very pragmatic though.

Uncommon Knowledge

01 Jun 2020Book

✒ Books read in 2020 #06 Tidbit of information you probably didn’t know that you were unaware of.

Billion Dollar Whale

27 Mar 2020Book

✒ Books read in 2020 #04 Still find it unbelievably bewildering how this Asian Great Gatsby could pull this off.