Why We Sleep

26 Apr 2019Book

✒ Books read in 2019 #06 We need to stop bragging about how little sleep we get.

AI Superpowers

24 Mar 2019Book

✒ Books read in 2019 #05 Insights about startups and AI are as good as expected. An honest account of his illness and how it affected him was a bonus.

The Design of Everyday Things

24 Feb 2019Book

✒ Books read in 2019 #04 When you stood in front of a door, how did you know whether you should push, pull, slide, wave, knock, smash, or get stuck? How did you know it’s a door in the first place?

How Not to Be Wrong

08 Jan 2019Book

✒ Books read in 2019 #02 “If gambling is exciting, you are doing it wrong”

Enlightenment Now

06 Jan 2019Book

✒ Books read in 2019 #01 A book published in the second half of the second decade of the third millennium on the historical sweep of progress and its causes.

Books read in 2018

31 Dec 2018Book

Books read in 2018, in no particular order: Superintelligence Factfulness Thinking in Bets 1984 Animal Farm A Template For Understanding Big Debt Crises 21 Lessons for the 21st Century The Bitcoin Standard Cryptoassets The Truth Machine When to Rob a Bank Misbehaving NeuroLogic The Telomere Effecty Brain Rules for Aging Well