Uber loses landmark UK battle as Supreme Court rules drivers are workers

20 Feb 2021Law

✒ In this landmark ruling, the UK Supreme Court had unanimously found against Uber. It was held that Uber’s drivers are its “workers” — a classification that falls between that of the self-employed and full employees — and are entitled to holiday pay, minimum wage, sick leave and pension. Also, Supreme Court ruled that drivers … Read More

Facebook to Prohibit Sharing of News Content in Australia

18 Feb 2021Law

✒ Different approaches by the two platforms in light of Australia’s proposed legislation: Facebook takes a hard line approach while Google seeks to strike deals to stay active. Tech companies are being forced to reckon with how they operate in the future. The transition from tech disrupter to regulated online utility is under way.

McKinsey Agrees to $573 Million Settlement Over Opioid Advice

04 Feb 2021Law

✒ The consultancy has agreed to a settlement of more than half a billion dollars with virtually every US state and several territories, to resolve the claim that it gave improper advice to Purdue Pharma on how to increase opioid sales by identifying physicians who were heavy prescribers of painkillers and marketing more aggressively towards … Read More

SEC Sues Ripple Over XRP Cryptocurrency

24 Dec 2020Law

✒ The case may have profound implications for the industry ― if the SEC’s action is successful, it would set a precedent and a large number of cryptocurrencies would have to be redesignated and regulated as securities. This action signals that the US is likely to be hostile to ICOs unless and until legislative change … Read More

Lemonade Wins #FreeThePink Case Against Deutsche Telekom in France

19 Dec 2020Law

✒ What a colorful saga. I didn’t know one can trademark a colour. Regardless, Deutsche Telekom has not been using what it owns and have been asking Lemonade to refrain from using what Deutsche Telekom doesn’t actually own. The French authority ruled that “there is no evidence of genuine use of this mark for the … Read More

United States v. Google

22 Oct 2020Law

✒ The “Microsoft 2.0” has landed, a big tech antitrust lawsuit that everyone has seen coming. The US government hasn’t brought an antitrust case of this size since 1998. The DoJ says in the filing that “Google is so dominant that ‘Google’ is not only a noun to identify the company and the Google search … Read More

Apple Sues Small Business With Pear Logo

20 Aug 2020Law

✒ “Apple has opposed dozens of other trademark applications filed by small businesses with fruit-related logos. Many of those were changed or abandoned. Most small businesses can’t afford the tens of thousands of dollars it would take to fight Apple.”