The WeWork surge

11 Oct 2019M&A / Deal

✒ “The data show how investors chasing high yields in private markets have catapulted valuations to once unthinkable levels, while allowing start-ups to delay public offerings.”

What Kylie Jenner Can Teach Us About M&A

12 Jul 2019M&A / Deal

✒ Short answer: “In­stead of over­pay­ing for once-dom­i­nant units that have prob­a­bly seen their best days, hunt for the emerg­ing su­per­stars where peak value is still to come. Strike­outs will hap­pen, but the cost of fail­ure is a round­ing er­ror com­pared with a big merger gone bad.”

Drahi brings hammer down on Sotheby’s

18 Jun 2019M&A / Deal

✒ “Sotheby’s is a superb brand, which never makes money, but it gives its owners a seat at the table of the rich and famous.” Said a billionaire art collector. The company last year earned a profit of $109m on revenues just over $1bn — a profit margin of around 10 per cent.

Fiat Chrysler Unveils Renault Merger Proposal

27 May 2019M&A / Deal

✒ The costs of nec­es­sary in­vest­ments in the in­dus­try are be­com­ing so oner­ous that com­pa­nies which have fought each other for mar­ket share for decades are now join­ing forces to share the bur­den.

Natura Announces $2 Billion Deal for Avon

22 May 2019M&A / Deal

✒ Back in 2012, Avon passed on an of­fer from Coty for $24.75 a share that included back­ing from War­ren Buf­fett’s Berk­shire Hath­away. On Wednesday it closed at $3.49 a share.