Why Your Brain Dwells on Unfinished Tasks

18 Jan 2023Science & Technology

✒ “Failing to complete a task creates underlying cognitive tension, which is what makes you keep coming back to it. That’s why we find it easier to recall something that’s ongoing or incomplete than something that is done and over with. Rather than letting it be intrusive, we can actually use it to our benefit … Read More

How crypto goes to zero

25 Nov 2022Science & Technology

✒ Conclusion from the article: “To attack a blockchain and shut it down requires gaining 51% control of the computational power or value of tokens staked to verify transactions. The more valuable the tokens, the more energy it takes to attack a proof-of-work chain, like Bitcoin, and the more money to attack a proof-of-stake chain, … Read More

How to escape scientific stagnation

28 Oct 2022Science & Technology

✒ The “burden of knowledge”? In 2008 Ben Jones of Northwestern University formalised a simple yet powerful observation. The more knowledge humans have, the longer it takes a budding researcher to get to the frontier, and thus to push things forward.

The problem with social media is that it is not a real place

28 Oct 2022Science & Technology

✒ The author talked about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act — a piece of US legislation passed in 1996 which has been dubbed the “26 words that created the internet” because it gave platforms (internet forums) legal immunity from any third party content they published — and how some people recommended amending such … Read More

When Crisis Management Becomes Conflict Management

12 Apr 2022Science & Technology

✒ As we transition out of the pandemic, from emergency, to regression, and to recovery, we will encounter a complex psychological cocktail: delayed gratification, feeling of injustice, and a race to fill the emotional vacuum created by years of living with restrictions. In light of such difficult or even unbearable emotions, we may resort to … Read More

Technology Alliance Says It Is Closer to Killing Off Passwords

23 Mar 2022Science & Technology

✒ Having worked on the technology for nearly a decade, the Fast Identity Online Alliance says on a white paper that their “FIDO credentials” are ready to be used which lets users log into online accounts using their faces, fingerprints and PIN codes straightaway. While the password-less authentication mechanisms has already been built, users will … Read More

Eyewitness evidence is more reliable than has been thought

28 Feb 2022Science & Technology

✒ Experiments suggest that when witnesses to a simulated crime are confident of having identified the suspect in a later photo line-up, they are almost always correct. Similarly, if they are sure the suspect is not present, that is likely to be right too. However, just as one of the unavoidable frustrations of quantum mechanics … Read More

Facebook patents reveal how it intends to cash in on metaverse

19 Jan 2022Science & Technology

✒ Not only to simulate better, but also to stimulate better. From analysing like/share/comment actions and voluntary eye-ball movements, to tracking involuntary biological reactions to stimuli such as pupil movement, nose scrunching, and other micro expressions. The company plans to keep the prices of its headsets low. The company also said it is going to … Read More

Still grappling with crypto basics? You’re not alone

05 Aug 2021Science & Technology

✒ The author suggests that cryptocurrencies lies in the intersection of three fields: cryptography (to ensure the integrity of transactions); game theory (to establish consensus on the state of the ledger); and economics (to design proper economic initiatives). From another perspective, one can argue that those who invest in cryptocurrencies are a combination of: Macro-economist … Read More