✒ Few careers go unblemished, and big mistakes aren’t always terminal.

A decadelong study of 2,600 business leaders, published by the Harvard Business Review in 2018, found that 45% had suffered major setbacks such as blowing a large deal or getting fired. Among those who faltered, more than three-quarters still went on to become CEOs.

A common thread among the examples that the author cited: massive confidence, or at least, the ability to overcome self-doubt.

For overachievers, the steepest cost of failure is not financial. As Jeff Cohn, a corporate-leadership adviser says about major career setbacks:

“Psychologically, it can be the kind of thing that is so devastating that it could rip your entire career apart. It really depend on how you deal with it.”

Always ask:

“What happened?”

“What could you have done differently?”


The ability to take responsibility is the key to recovering.