✒ Some of the interesting quotes from the interview:

“We’re not against consultants. The problem is when an industry [has] no incentive to get government to be independent. A therapist who has their client in therapy forever obviously isn’t a very good therapist.”

“For me, the big wake-up call was Brexit [preparations], because [the consultants] were everywhere.”

“These are private companies, the McKinseys and the Deloittes, that have no expertise in the areas that they’re advising in.”

 “You can actually have a creative and dynamic civil service. By design, we’re making it much more interesting to work in the Googles, the Goldman Sachses and the McKinseys.

“How do you revive the civil service? It’s not by the Dominic Cummings ‘we need geeks in government’. It’s by changing the remit of government. We need to make it really cool.”